Christmas 2020

Christmas 2020
25th December 2020 (Friday)

Christmas is well known as Feast of Nativity. Festival is celebrating to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ (son of God, as Christian believes). The festival of Christmas is celebrated on 25th of December every year. Christmas name originates from the Mass of Christ (or Jesus). A Mass help (which is some of the time called Communion or Eucharist) is the place Christians recall that Jesus kicked the bucket for us and afterward returned to life.
Christmas is presently celebrated by all around the world, regardless of whether they people are Christians or not. It's celebrated between loved ones when they meet up and recollect the valuable things they have. Individuals, and mainly youngsters, on Christmas they share gifts to their loved ones and their parents. Mainly this is the event/ fest of sharing and generating happiness among all.

Origin and Development-
There is no any exact date of birth of Jesus, then why we celebrate 25th December every year? There are many arguments about birth of Jesus. Earlier, Christian person’s group recognized the distinguishing proof of the date of Jesus' introduction to the world. The genuine recognition of Jesus' introduction to the world was long in coming.
Specifically, during the initial two centuries of Christianity there was solid resistance to perceiving birthday events of saints or, besides, of Jesus. Various Church Fathers offered mocking remarks about the agnostic custom of praising birthday celebrations when, indeed, holy people and saints ought to be regarded on the times of their poor condition—their actual "birthday celebrations," from the congregation's (gathering of people for purpose of worship) point of view. The first recorded date of X-Mas celebration on December 25th December in 336, in the Roman Emperor (first Christian Roman Emperor).
A later view proposes that December 25 turned into the date of Jesus' introduction to the world by from the earlier thinking that recognized the spring equinox as the date of the creation of the world and the fourth day of creation/production, when the light was made, as the day of Jesus' origination (which was on March 25). December 25, after nine months. Thus, point turned into the date of Jesus' introduction to the world.

Tradition of Advent-
Advent is usually the time of 4 Sundays and weeks before Christmas (or at times from the first December to Christmas Day!). Advent signifies 'Arrival' in Latin. This is the happening/coming to Jesus into the world. Christians utilize the 4 Sundays and long stretches of weeks of Advent to plan and recollect the genuine significance of Christmas.

Meaning of coming which describe in Advent-
1.     Happened about 2000 years ago when Jesus came into this world as a man & die for us.
2.   It happens now as Jesus wants to come into our lives here and now.
3.   It will happen in the future, when Jesus came back to this world as a king/Judge, not as a baby as in 1st described advent.
There is no any person who will tell about surely when advent was first celebrated, it dates back at least 567 when religious ordered to fast in December leading up to Christmas.

Christmas songs and decorations-
The song of Christmas is very famous, it sung whole day on this festival. All the houses, gardens and churches are cleaned well on this day. There is a beautiful decoration is done with white paint, colorful lights, scenery, candle, flowers and other decorative prompts. Poor and rich people all together participate in this festival and party it with great boom. Decorate the Christmas trees in the mid of their home.
People decorate Christmas tree with lights, gifts, balloons, flowers, toys, artificial green leaves and other supportive items. By using all these decorative aids, the Christmas tree looks very beautiful and attractive. In front of beautiful Christmas tree everyone celebrates this festival with their friends, family, relatives and neighbors. All present with sweets, gifts and participated in cultural events on this day.
Various programs are started on this occasion in the church and which continue till the New Year. The birth story of Lord Jesus Christ is performed as a drama in these programs. Antakshari dedicated only of Christ songs are played, prayers are performed and different types of games are played. On Christmas morning special prayer meeting in the churches are held.

Who is Santa Claus-
Children mostly wait eagerly for December 25th, as on the occasion of Christmas, Santa Clause of children gives them bundle of gifts. The sweet sound of jingling bells will be boomed. Ho..Ho..Ho saying Santa Claus with white beard and hair in red & white clothes come again to cheer children’s faces. His shoulder is having a bundle full of gifts, every sweet child is waiting for Santa Claus. Except for the western countries where many people not know who are Santa Clause and where he come from. History of Santa is also unique like his character.
Santa Claus is well known as Saint Nicholas and he is a mysterious and sorcerer. He has lots of presents/gifts for children. On this day, Santa is said to be riding on the sled car having 8 flying rein-deer. These are from the North Pole which covered with snow sheets. His reindeer name is as- Rudolf, Desher, Dancer, Prenser, Viksan, Dender, Balitzen, Cupid and Comet. Santa is also known as father of Christmas. It is assuming that when children are sleeping Santa put gift near them and fly away with the speed of light to give gift to next child on their rein-deers.

Sant Nicholas was born nearby 1.5 thousand years ago, is considered the father of the real Santa. As the birth of Saint Nicholas and Jesus has not been straight related, Christmas seems incomplete without both of them. (taken from scholar’s article) Saint Nicholas was born about 280 years after the death of Jesus, in the city of Myra, Turkistan. Sant Nicholas was from a noble/decent family. He was always ready to help the needy people. Sant wanted that both poor and rich people to be happy on Christmas & on New Year’s Day. He has a very special feeling and love for children. They couldn’t see anyone unhappy and hopeless on the birthday of Jesus. That’s the reason on the Christmas eve, he used to go out and share gifts. Sant always give gifts at midnight because he didn’t like to be seen by anyone while diving gifts. So for this children are put to sleep early. Nicholas was known as Saint for his kindness/generosity. After his death, Santa became a practice of giving surprises/gifts to the poor and children, became popular. Thus, later Sant Nicholas became renowned as Santa Claus. People of Denmark give this name to him.

Santa’s Style/Dress-
In 1822, a cartoon of Santa caught attention of the world. A political cartoonist illustrates in his weekly, in which a white bearded Santa Claus received popular appearance. Slowly, Santa’s appearance was used to promote their brands. Modern Santa’ appearance came into existence in 1930. Hayden sandblom an artist appeared in Coca-Cola’s ad as Santa Claus for nearly 35 years, from year 1931 to 1964. This appearance as Santa is very much accepted by worldwide and people accepted this new avatar of Santa.

X-Mas gift-
On this day Christians pray to God. In front of Lord Jesus (Ishu), they apologize for their mistakes. People also sing holy hymns in praise of Lord Jesus Christ. After that they distributes gifts to their children and also to close relatives. Christmas cards are also given to friends and relatives on this occasion. Everyone joins the Christmas feast where they enjoy aromatic dishes with their friends, close relatives and family members. Children often wait for this day very excitedly because they get lots of gifts and chocolates. On this special day children go to their school wearing Santa Claus dress and hat. Festival is celebrated in schools and colleges a day before that is on December 24. Cake is the special Christmas dish and cake is incomplete without Christmas. Santa Claus gives gifts and chocolates to children. People of other religions also pray in the Church by lighting candles.

On this special occasion of Christmas day, all people celebrate till late night by going to malls, restaurants and do dancing to music activities. People of Christianity worship Lord Jesus. It is strongly believed that the lord was sent to the people on earth and save their lives and also protect them from evil/sins and miseries. Christmas celebration is celebrated by the people of the Christian community to celebrate the noble works of Jesus Christ and we should give a lot of love and respect to all people. It is a public & religious holiday when almost all government as well as non-government institutes are closed.
Christmas is a festival of joy and happiness. On this festival, Christians invite friends and close relatives for party and where they serve delicious food. It connects people with each other. On this day, the Christmas anthem is very important. The Christmas song is related to the story of the birth of Jesus Christ. In this way, the festival of Christmas gives not only happiness but also a strong message of being together with everyone. Jesus say- Serving the oppressed is one of the biggest religion in the world.

Merry Christmas wishes / Christmas SMS
1.      Merry Christmas to you and your family. Merry Christmas.
2.     May Santa give you happiness and peace for entire year. Merry Christmas.
3.     Christmas is the time for celebration and gathering. I wish you will spend this precious time with your loved ones. Have a wonderful merry Christmas.
4.    On the occasion of this Christmas may Santa gives you all happiness in your life. Merry Christmas.
5.     May this Christmas be full of surprises and happiness for you and your family. Merry Christmas.
6.    Christmas is a festival of enjoy and celebration with family and friends. Let’s celebrate it with lots of happiness. Merry Christmas.
7.     You deserved the best in your life, so may Santa fulfill your all dreams on this Christmas. Merry Christmas.
8.    On this Christmas, Let the spirit of love gently fill our hearts and also homes. Enjoy this festival with full mood. Merry Christmas.
9.    Have a wonderful Christmas. This year you will definitely achieve your all goals. Merry Christmas.
10. We are hoping for you a better holiday and beautiful New year ahead. Merry Christmas.

Christmas images


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